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Repro lifalili

Toutes reproductions faites en eau douce, informations et questions.
fou des bulles
Messages : 85
Inscription : 16 avr. 2013, 02:37
Localisation : montreal

Repro lifalili

Message non lu par fou des bulles » 16 mai 2013, 20:40

bonjour j'ai acheter un trio au dernier encan de la sam et la belle surprise j'ai des oeufs se matin :D . tout sa pour savoir si je doit laisser les parents avec les oeufs ou les séparé.les parents font leur tour de garde tour a tour les ventiles.

si vous avez des conseils sa serait apprecier merci

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Messages : 1041
Inscription : 28 avr. 2010, 00:02
Localisation : Boischatel
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Re: Repro lifalili

Message non lu par Cboubou » 20 juin 2013, 09:58

Les adultes devraient bien protéger les oeufs et peut-être trop... :D
http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/he ... -lifalili/
Relatively straightforward. It’s difficult to pair up adult H. lifalili so buy 5 or 6 young fish and allowing them to pair up naturally. This process may take some time, so prepare to be patient.

The fish should be kept in a species tank set up as suggested above, with the addition of some large rocks to act as spawning sites. A 48″ aquarium is fine. Water should be slightly soft and acidic with a pH of arounf 6.5-7.0 and a temperature of 75-82°F. Once a pair is seen to form the other fish should be removed as they may be killed quite quickly. The species is monogamous and the pair will now remain together for life. They can be brought into spawning condition by feeding a good varied diet, preferably containing a lot of live foods.

When the pair is in condition, they will intensify in colour to stunning effect. If there are any other fish in the aquarium, remove them now or they will most likely be murdered. At this point the pair will even attack your hand! They will choose a spawning site on a flat rock (usually an area which is angled slightly), the side of a flowerpot or even the aquarium glass and clean it thoroughly. The male is very vigorous in his pursuit of the female and they should be watched closely as she may be harassed to death if she is not ready to respond to his approaches.

Spawning occurs in a similar fashion to many other substrate spawning cichlids, with the female laying a line of eggs before moving away, allowing the male to take her place and fertilise them. Up to 400 eggs may be fertilised in this manner. These hatch in around 48 hours and during this period, the male will defend the spawning site while the female tends to the eggs. Some role swapping may occur here. The pair also dig a number of shallow depressions in the substrate around the spawning site.

Once the eggs have hatched, the entire brood is moved into one of these pits by the female. The fry will usually be moved several times, into different pits, before they become free swimming. This occurs after a further 24-72 hours. At this point, start feeding them large quantities of microworm and/or brine shrimp nauplii. Brood care by the parents usually continues for about a month, after which the fry should be removed as the parents may decide to spawn again.
Cichlidé du Malawi et eau salé en version fishroom

fou des bulles
Messages : 85
Inscription : 16 avr. 2013, 02:37
Localisation : montreal

Re: Repro lifalili

Message non lu par fou des bulles » 20 juin 2013, 21:21

merci de c'est information et j'ai constanter par moi meme que les parents sont tres protecteur, les petits ont deja 1 mois et en parfaite santé il ont commencer la nourriture en flocon et quand meme des artémias une fois par jour

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 1041
Inscription : 28 avr. 2010, 00:02
Localisation : Boischatel
Contact :

Re: Repro lifalili

Message non lu par Cboubou » 21 juin 2013, 10:41

oups... effectivement, j'avais pas vu que ton premier commentaire datait autant... oups... :D :D :D :D
Cichlidé du Malawi et eau salé en version fishroom


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